Category Archives: Past Protests
Men 4 Choice, has partnered with Personal PAC, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and Future Voices Council for a Day of Action this Saturday, April 22, from 10am to 1pm in Oak Lawn. Help them speak to pro choice supporters and send positive post cards to Rep. Kelly Burke, who is not yet supporting HB40. Men4Choice are…
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DPOP's Action for Human Rights Committee is hosting your friends and neighbors to express love and gratitude to hardworking elected officials who are resisting Trump's agenda and to oppose those whose actions we're "not that crazy about". Postcard and stamp donations are greatly appreciated! Saturday, May 6 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM DPOP Headquarters 6941-A…
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As Washington DC attempts to undo the Affordable Care Act and dismantle Medicaid, and Governor Rauner clings to irresponsible and harmful policies without a state budget, people with disabilities are suffering. Gather at Federal Plaza on April 12 to resist the civil rights-stripping governments we face across our country. Speakers featured at the rally will…
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Where are the President's tax returns? What is he hiding? Inspired by the last few months of protest, particularly the Women's March, we demand Trump release his tax returns. We want to know who he owes money to and what foreign governments have leverage over us. Above all, FULL disclosure. Saturday, April 15 @ 10:00…
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