The Trump Budget is shaping up to be the most draconian budget in modern history. In so many ways, this budget breaks promises and deceives about its true impact. It disinvests in America. The basic living standards that everyone needs - enough food, health care, and housing - are shredded, not strengthened. The budget would massively transfer money that should be invested in all our people to a handful of millionaires and profitable corporations, through multi-trillions in tax cuts that would average $50,000 each for millionaires. With massive cuts to both mandatory and discretionary programs being proposed, it is important that you are armed with the best knowledge, understanding, and analysis.
Join the The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Coalition on Human Needs, and Center for American Progress for a webinar for advocates across the country to learn about the content of these budget proposals and discuss recommended messages and activities to use to help protect human needs programs as the federal budget debates progress. This webinar is off the record and not for the press. Contact Deborah Swerdlow at with any questions.
Thursday, May 25
12:00 PM